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Opinions of Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Fujian Provincial People's Government on Implementing the Strategy of a strong Province with Private Economy in the New Era and Promoting high-quality Development

Update time:2023/8/28 Number of page views: 773

Opinions of Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Fujian Provincial People's Government on Implementing the Strategy of a strong Province with Private Economy in the New Era and Promoting high-quality Development

(August 25, 2023)


First, fully understand the great significance of implementing the strategy of strengthening the province with private economy in the new era, and clarify the overall requirements

(1) Great significance。习近平总书记高度重视民营经济发展,在福建工作期间总结提出“晋江经验”,党的十八大以来对正确引导民营经济健康发展、高质量发展作出一系列重要论述。The Party's 20th National Congress made strategic arrangements to promote the development and growth of the private economy。在习近平总书记重要论述指引下,经过多年发展,民营经济成为福建经济的特色所在、活力所在、优势所在。实施新时代民营经济强省战略,是We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示批示精神,创新和发展“晋江经验”,提振民营企业发展信心,激发全社会创新创业创造活力的迫切需要。All levels and departments should fully understand the significance of implementing the strategy of strengthening the private economy in the new era, and promote the private economy to improve quality and efficiency, transform and upgrade, and create new advantages。

(2) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",Remember the "great nation",Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,Serve and integrate into the new development pattern,Implementation of "two unwavering", "three unchanged", "two healthy",Focus on the new Fujian grand blueprint and the "four greater" and other important requirements,We will continue to promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy,We will strive to increase growth momentum through innovation, optimize the structure through transformation, stimulate vitality through reform, and expand space through opening up,We will strive to build a market environment for fair competition, a legal environment with good laws and good governance, and a convenient and efficient government environment,Focus on strengthening the party building of private enterprises and promoting the healthy growth of private economic personnel,To promote Fujian from a large province with private economy to a strong province with private economy。

3. Development goals。到2027年,Positive progress has been made in the implementation of the strategy of strengthening provinces with private economy in the new era,The private economy has achieved effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity,The total number of registered market entities is expected to reach about 9.4 million,There were about 6.7 million individual businesses,The number of China's top 500 private enterprises in the list is commensurate with the economic scale of our province;The core competitiveness of private enterprises has been significantly enhanced,More than 600 intelligent manufacturing excellent scenes and demonstration factories have been built,Participated in the formulation and revision of 15 international standards and 600 national standards,A total of 380 provincial manufacturing individual champion enterprises, 600 national specialized special "small giant" enterprises, 14,400 national high-tech enterprises, and 9,000 scientific and technological smes have been cultivated,The average annual growth rate of R&D expenses of private industrial enterprises is more than 18%,Research and development activities of private enterprises and the coverage of research and development institutions have increased significantly.The contribution of the private sector to the economy and society has increased significantly,About 500,000 new jobs are created every year.The layout of the state-owned economy and the orientation of the development of the private economy are more reasonable.The full-life cycle service model and service chain of private enterprises with Fujian characteristics have been fully established,The business environment of the province ranks first in the country。

Second, strengthen encouragement, support and guidance to promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy

(4) Adhere to the innovation drive to add momentum, and promote the private economy to become an important force to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance and independent control of the industrial chain

We will thoroughly implement the strategy of revitalizing the province through science and education, strengthening the province with talents, and innovation-driven development, accelerate the construction of a high-level and innovative province, and support private enterprises in building a community of integrated innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain。

1.We will strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation。We will revise relevant laws and regulations to promote scientific and technological progress in our province, and improve the policy environment conducive to the flow of innovative factors such as technology, talent and capital to enterprises。We will implement new management systems such as "revealing the list and taking charge" and "horse racing", support private enterprises to undertake major scientific and technological projects, and strengthen basic research and development of key core technologies。We will improve the management system and the mechanism for transforming achievements of institutions of higher learning and research institutes。The Regulations on Promoting the Promotion and Application of the First Set of Technical Equipment in Fujian Province were issued to support the iterative application of innovative products by private enterprises。

2.We will strengthen the development of innovative public service platforms。Strengthen the layout of strategic scientific and technological forces in the province, and support private enterprises to participate in the construction of a multi-level scientific and technological innovation platform system。Support private enterprises to build industry-university-research consortia, new R&D institutions and collaborative innovation centers with universities and research institutions, participate in the construction of provincial key laboratories and provincial innovation laboratories, and strive to create national innovation platforms。Actively introduce "large institutes, large platforms and large institutions", and accelerate the opening of major scientific research infrastructure and large scientific research instruments to private enterprises。Support competitive enterprises in setting up innovation enclaves。

3.Strengthen strategic support for human resources。In-depth implementation of the industry leading team, the provincial talent "100 people plan", excellent engineer training and other talent projects, to explore the flexible talent recruitment mechanism of private enterprises。Give leading talents in science and technology greater control of human resources and financial resources and the choice of technical routes。Improve the precise docking mechanism for the technical requirements of science and technology commissioners "ordering" and "menu"。We will support Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and other cities in building important platforms to attract and gather talents。

(5) Adhere to industrial upgrading to optimize the structure, and promote the private economy to become an important force in building a modern industrial system

We will continue to develop the real economy, accelerate the development of a strong province in advanced manufacturing, promote the development of industrial chains, extend and upgrade the chain, and guide private enterprises to participate in supply-side structural reform, so as to achieve better quality, higher efficiency, stronger competitiveness, and greater influence。

4.Develop and strengthen industrial clusters。Support the private economy to accelerate chain coordination and cluster development, do better and stronger and bigger digital economy, Marine economy, green economy, cultural and tourism economy, actively participate in building a strong province of advanced manufacturing, develop strategic emerging industries, advance the layout of future industries, and build industrial clusters with reasonable layout and distinct regional characteristics。Integrate and enhance industrial platforms such as economic (technological) development zones, high-tech zones, and industrial (industrial) parks, and guide upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to gather in the parks。Develop provincial small and medium-sized enterprises characteristic industrial clusters。

5.Cultivate and strengthen private enterprises in echelons。We will implement an action plan to foster excellence and strengthen leading enterprises, improve the mechanism for coordinating the cultivation of leading enterprises by provinces, cities and counties, and foster a number of world-class enterprises。Support the specialized and new development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and build a gradient cultivation system of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises - specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises - specialized and new "little giant" enterprises - individual champions in the manufacturing industry。Guide leading enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises deep integration, embedded development。

6.We will promote high-end, intelligent and green development。Support private enterprises to extend the direction of core parts and high-end manufactured products design and research and development。Promote the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of traditional industries, promote the promotion and application of low-cost, modular intelligent manufacturing equipment and systems, and gradient cultivation of "intelligent production line - intelligent workshop - intelligent factory"。Support private enterprises to carry out research and development of digital common technologies, participate in the investment construction and application innovation of new infrastructure such as data centers and industrial Internet, and develop and utilize public data resources through the provincial public data resource development service platform。We will further implement green manufacturing, promote the circular and comprehensive utilization of resources, and encourage increased consumption of green electricity。

6. Continue to stimulate vitality through reform and promote the private economy to become an important force in building a high-level socialist market economic system

Deepen the reform of the economic system, promote the overall efficiency with key reform breakthroughs, guide private enterprises through their own reform and development, compliance management, improve corporate governance, improve governance efficiency, and constantly improve the quality of development。

7.We will encourage improvement of the governance structure and management system。We will encourage qualified private enterprises to establish and improve a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics。Promote the separation of enterprise legal person property from investor's personal or family property in accordance with the law, and clarify the structure of enterprise property rights。Guide private enterprises to strengthen total quality management, leading or participating in the formulation and revision of international and national standards。Support private enterprises to build a scientific brand architecture system, participate in foreign high-end brand mergers and acquisitions, and accelerate the cultivation of world-renowned brands。

8.We will support active participation in mixed-ownership reform。We will deepen cooperation between the state-owned and private sectors。Encourage private capital to participate in the restructuring and restructuring of state-owned enterprises, capital increase and share expansion of state-owned enterprises holding listed companies, and new mixed-ownership enterprises through investment, equity purchase, convertible bonds, equity replacement and other forms。We will support mixed-ownership enterprises in their restructuring and listing。

9.We will improve market-based restructuring mechanisms。Encourage private enterprises to make good use of existing assets to recover funds。Establish a government-court linkage coordination mechanism for the normalization of enterprise bankruptcy at the provincial level, improve the working mechanism of "enforcing and breaking through", and improve the supporting policies of the bankruptcy system。In accordance with the unified deployment of the state, we will carry out pilot reform of compulsory exit of enterprises。We will optimize policies related to the conversion of individual industrial and commercial households to enterprises and reduce the cost of conversion。

(7) Adhere to opening up to enhance the space for expansion, and promote the private economy to become an important force in serving and integrating into the new development pattern

We will steadily promote institutional opening-up, build a province with strong openness and trade, support private enterprises in building a global network of economic and trade cooperation between Fujian and business, deeply integrate into the domestic and international double cycle, and expand the development space of the private economy。

10.Deep integration into the national unified market。We will eliminate policies that impede the unification of the market, including local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions。We will guide private enterprises to actively link up with the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and make full use of platforms such as pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation and Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui regional cooperation to strengthen inter-provincial industrial cooperation。

11.Actively explore diversified international markets。We will support private enterprises in making full use of rules such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and exploring overseas markets。Guide private enterprises to optimize the distribution of research and development, production and marketing services, and cultivate public platforms for international marketing services and public overseas warehouses。We will encourage financial institutions to increase support for foreign trade enterprises。

12.We will improve the global distribution of industrial and supply chains。Under the premise of ensuring safety, autonomy and control, we will enhance the supply capacity of private enterprises in the key links of the industrial chain and supply chain, and accelerate the construction of an industrial chain system rooted in Fujian and facing the world。To study the establishment of private transnational corporation cultivation mechanism。Private enterprises are encouraged to participate in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and participate in the construction of key industrial parks such as China-Indonesia, China-Philippines economic and trade innovation and development Demonstration parks and China-Saudi Arabia (Fujian) Industrial Cooperation Zone。We will strengthen industrial coordination between Fujian, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and support the integration of private enterprises into cross-Straits demonstration zones for integrated development。

8. Promote well-being through shared development and make the private economy an important force for common prosperity

Guide private enterprises to practice the people-centered development thought, help narrow the urban-rural development gap, regional development gap and income distribution gap, actively participate in the cause of glory and charity, and achieve "rich and responsible, rich and righteous, rich and loving".。

13.We will guide the cultivation and growth of middle-income groups。We will improve policies for creating jobs through entrepreneurship and encourage private enterprises to create more jobs on their own initiative。We will guide private enterprises to actively participate in the reform of the construction of industrial workers, improve the wage distribution system, increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the primary distribution, and build harmonious labor relations。

14.We will guide and promote balanced development between urban and rural areas and between regions。Support private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization, develop rural characteristic industries according to local conditions, and actively participate in the "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages" action。We will support private enterprises in participating in mountain and maritime cooperation in the new era, and guide private enterprises in coastal areas to move to mountain areas in an orderly fashion。

15.We will support better fulfillment of social responsibilities。Encourage and guide private economic personnel to be doers of development and devotees of the new era, and integrate the concept of social responsibility into corporate strategy, daily operations, and the whole life cycle of products。Encourage private enterprises to participate in emergency disaster relief and support national defense construction。We will guide private enterprises to participate in overseas projects in an orderly manner and abide by local laws and regulations when going global。

(9) Adhere to the guidance of norms to enrich advantages, and promote the private economy to become an important force for promoting development and security

We will implement the overall national security concept, build a safer Fujian at a higher level, guide private enterprises to deeply integrate into the new security pattern, and strengthen risk monitoring and early warning and emergency response。

16.Standardize and guide the sound development of capital in accordance with the law。We will establish a sound capital supervision system and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of capital governance。We will support the entry of private capital into Internet-based emerging service sectors such as medical and health care, elderly care, domestic service, culture, tourism, and sports。Support platform enterprises in creating jobs, expanding consumption, and international competition, and promote the standardized, healthy and sustainable development of the platform economy。Study the list of projects to encourage private capital participation and strengthen promotion。

17.We will strengthen risk prevention and management。Guide private enterprises to establish a comprehensive risk management system covering various fields such as enterprise strategy, planning, investment and financing, and market operation。Improve risk monitoring, early warning and response mechanisms for private enterprises, and give early warning to situations that seriously affect enterprise operations and may lead to social stability risks。

18.We will strengthen production safety。We will guide private enterprises to carry out safe development throughout the whole process of production and operation, strengthen production guarantees for core basic parts and components, improve the resilience of industrial chains and supply chains, and enhance capacity for emergency expansion and transformation。We will improve policies and service systems for promoting outbound investment, and guide and support private enterprises in preventing and responding to external challenges such as trade protectionism。

Third, improve the market economic system and create a first-class business environment supporting the development of the private economy

(10) Adhere to the orderly competition to build a solid foundation, and enhance the vitality of private enterprises to participate in fair market competition

Innovate institutional supply, build a fair and orderly market system of competition at a higher starting point, higher level, and higher goals, reduce institutional transaction costs, and constantly strengthen the internal driving force for the development of private enterprises。

19.We will continue to remove market access barriers。We will strictly implement the negative list system for market access, and clarify and standardize the preconditions and approval standards for administrative approval, licensing, record-keeping and other government services。We will comprehensively assess the effectiveness of market access, and improve the online handling mechanism for the whole process of discovering, identifying and handling clues of hidden barriers。We will improve government procurement and increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with regulations。

20.We will fully implement the system of fair competition。We have promulgated laws and regulations to promote fair competition, revised the Regulations on Bidding and Tendering of Fujian Province, strengthened the fundamental position of competition policy, and cleaned up discriminatory regulations and practices related to the nature of enterprises, such as industry access, qualification standards, and industrial subsidies。Strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement to stop the abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition。

21.We will advance the development of a social credit system in accordance with the law。Fujian Social Credit Regulations Issued。Promote credit commitment and credit evaluation, and build a new credit-based regulatory mechanism。Strengthen the construction of government integrity, publicize breach of contract, delinquent accounts, refusal to perform judicial judgments and other serious dishonesty information in accordance with the law and regulations, implement punishment measures for dishonesty in accordance with the law and regulations, so that "new officials should manage old accounts"。We will improve the credit repair mechanism。

(11) Adhere to the fair rule of law to stabilize expectations, and enhance the confidence of private enterprises to pursue development without distractions

Comprehensively promote the governance of the province according to law, deepen the construction of the central Legal Affairs District of the Sea Silk, and make every effort to build a new regulatory mechanism, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, so that entrepreneurs can rest assured to start businesses, operate with peace of mind, and concentrate on development。

22.We will protect the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs。We revised laws and regulations on protecting the rights and interests of enterprises and their managers。Prevent and correct the use of administrative or criminal means to intervene in economic disputes, as well as local protectionism in law enforcement and the administration of justice。We will accurately apply laws and regulations on the handling of illegal acts by private economic entities, and standardize mandatory property-related measures and procedures for the disposal of property involved。Deepen compliance reform of the enterprises involved。Strengthen the governance of the sources of corruption in private enterprises, and strengthen the crackdown on criminal acts of internal personnel in private enterprises infringing on corporate interests in accordance with the law。

23.We will improve the intellectual property protection system。Promulgation of provincial intellectual property protection and promotion of relevant laws and regulations。We will strengthen the protection of original innovations of private, small and micro enterprises, implement the state's intellectual property protection measures on business improvement, cultural creativity and other innovative achievements, and crack down on unfair competition acts such as infringement of trade secrets, counterfeiting and confusion, and malicious trademark registration and other illegal acts。Establish a rapid and coordinated protection system for intellectual property rights at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and the execution level。

24.Improve supervision and law enforcement systems。Fully implement the "double random one open" supervision, establish a coordinated and efficient cross-departmental comprehensive supervision mechanism, optimize and improve the provincial integration of the great integration of law enforcement platform, eliminate selective law enforcement, reduce multiple law enforcement, repeated law enforcement。Implement "impunity for first violation" and "minor impunity" in enterprise-related administrative law enforcement in accordance with the law。We will exercise inclusive and prudent regulation over emerging industries。

(12) Adhere to high-quality government services and enhance the convenience of private enterprises to enjoy preferential policies for business

Innovate government management and service methods, speed up the creation of a "convenient Fujian" that can do things, do things well, and get things done, start the brand of digital business environment, make every effort to build a government that makes the people more satisfied, and enhance the sense of gain of private enterprises。

25.We will improve the pattern of government services。Build enterprise palm service zone, promote government service "one network is easy to run"。We will implement the administrative license list management system and deepen the reform of "one thing at a time" and "one business and one certificate.。We will improve the mechanism for direct access to government funds。Fully implement the preferential enterprise policy "free of application and enjoy", and promote the notification commitment system。We will deepen reform of the investment and financing systems involving private enterprises and reform of the approval system for construction projects。

26.We will improve the long-term oversight mechanism for fees charged by enterprises。Improve the list system of enterprise-related fees set by the government, carry out regular publicity, accept supervision from enterprises and society, and prevent fees or disguised fees from enterprises in the form of evaluation and recognition。Smooth complaints and reporting platform channels, strengthen the coordination and interaction of relevant departments, and publicly expose typical cases of illegal charges。

27.We will improve the mechanism for the regular prevention and settlement of delinquent accounts。We will strictly implement the Regulations on the Protection of Payment for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and improve the long-term mechanism for preventing and resolving overdue accounts of small and medium-sized enterprises。Improve the complaint handling and credit supervision mechanism of delinquent accounts, and strengthen the exposure of malicious delinquent accounts。We will improve the normal docking mechanism between the liquidation of arrears and the inspection, supervision and audit systems。

(13) Insist on strengthening the guarantee by improving the quality of services, and enhance the level of efficient and equal access to elements of private enterprises

We will build a market-based system and mechanism for autonomous and orderly flow of factors and more efficient and fair allocation of factors, optimize financing services for private enterprises, ensure the needs of private enterprises for land, labor, and energy, and further stimulate the creativity of private enterprises and market vitality。

28.We will strengthen financing support。Financial institutions are encouraged to launch differentiated financial products tailored to the characteristics of private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, expand the provision of inclusive small and micro loans, and improve the convenience and effectiveness of private enterprises in obtaining loans。Strengthen the promotion and application of online financing service platforms such as "financial service Cloud"。We will encourage qualified private enterprises to issue scientific and technological innovation corporate bonds, and expand the coverage of the special support plan for private enterprise bond financing and enhance credit enhancement。We will give play to the role of regional equity markets and strengthen the cultivation of private listed reserve enterprises。

29.We will strengthen employment requirements。Deepen the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, promote a new type of apprenticeship system for enterprises with Chinese characteristics, and cultivate a number of highly skilled industrial talents urgently needed in our province。We will improve the evaluation and incentive mechanism for professional and technical personnel in private enterprises, improve the methods for evaluating professional titles, and establish a mechanism for reporting for professional titles。We will improve protection of workers' rights and interests in flexible employment and new forms of employment。We will improve the career development environment for employees, including housing, medical treatment, schooling and residency。

30.We will strengthen the security of land factors。We will support private enterprises in choosing suitable land use methods such as long-term lease, lease before transfer, and flexible term transfer。We will carry out the reform of "standard land" for industrial land in an orderly manner。Under the premise of meeting the requirements of territorial space planning, use control and safety, it encourages the exploration of mixed industrial land supply methods with industry as the leading function, and supports private enterprises to rationally transform industrial types in mixed industrial land according to the needs of industrial development and market environment changes in accordance with the law。

31.We will strengthen the guarantee of energy and resource factors。Promote the joint construction and sharing of public infrastructure such as heat supply and gas supply in industrial parks, and improve the ability to ensure energy supply such as electricity, gas and heat。We will explore and improve trading mechanisms for emission rights, energy use rights, water rights, and carbon emission rights。We will support the participation of private enterprises in the investment and construction of new energy sources such as renewable energy generation and storage。

(14) Adhere to the pro-clean mutual promotion to optimize the environment, and enhance the determination of private enterprises to achieve stable and long-term development

Carry forward the fine work style, comprehensively build a friendly and clean relationship between government and business, standardize the behavior of government and business exchanges, and build a benign mechanism that "cadres dare to do, local governments dare to rush, enterprises dare to do, and the people dare to create.。

32.Smooth communication channels between government and enterprises。Improve the system and mechanism of linking and contacting key private enterprises, improve the normal communication and exchange mechanism with chamber of commerce organizations and private enterprises, establish a closed-loop platform for collecting, transferring, supervision and feedback of private enterprises, and explore the construction of a "enterprise demand-platform whistle-reporting - department reporting" service system to help enterprises。Vigorously promote the return of Fujian business project, explore the establishment of leading cadres to contact the chamber of commerce inside and outside the province mechanism。We will improve the coordination mechanism for signing contracts with private enterprises。Continue to improve the service efficiency of the "Party Enterprise new Space and time · Government Enterprise through train" platform。Encourage private businessmen to actively communicate with party committees, governments and departments at all levels。

33.Institutionalize and standardize government and business exchanges。We will study and formulate guidelines on regulating the conduct of government and business exchanges, clarify the boundaries and bottom lines of such exchanges, and promote friendly, balanced, clear and successful government and business exchanges。We will establish a sound mechanism for tolerating and correcting errors, encourage public officials to take the initiative to serve enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations, step up oversight, and seriously investigate and punish problems such as lazy administration and inaction in providing enterprise-related services, and resolutely combat the problem of political and business collusion that undermines the political ecology and the environment for economic development。

34.We will strengthen policy communication and guidance on expectations。We will implement a mechanism for entrepreneurs to participate in the formulation of enterprise-related policies。We will improve the stability, continuity and pertinency of enterprise-related policies, perform adjustment procedures according to law and regulations, and reasonably set up a transition period when adjustments are necessary in the public interest。We will strengthen the issuance and interpretation of policies directed at private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households。Party committees and governments at all levels should actively organize and hold symposiums on private economy。We will support government departments at all levels in inviting outstanding entrepreneurs to conduct consultations。

(15) Adhere to the entrepreneurial spirit to gather strength and create a social atmosphere to promote the development and growth of private enterprises

Continue to stimulate the spirit of private entrepreneurs who dare to be the first and dare to fight to win, gather the positive energy of advocating innovation and entrepreneurship, and create a public opinion atmosphere that respects the value of entrepreneurs, encourages entrepreneurs to innovate, and gives play to the role of entrepreneurs。

35.We will strengthen the ranks of outstanding private entrepreneurs。Establish a database of private economic representatives, and improve the comprehensive evaluation system of private economic representatives。We will optimize the structure of representatives of the private economy, properly recommend outstanding private businessmen as candidates for deputies to the People's congresses at all levels and candidates for CPPCC members, and give full play to the role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce as the main channel for orderly political participation of representatives of the private economy。We will support representatives of the private sector in playing a greater role in international economic activities and organizations。Support the younger generation of private businessmen to play a better role in youth organizations。

36.We will improve the education and training system for private businessmen。We will improve the training system for private enterprises, and build a training system that combines online and offline activities in multiple fields and at multiple levels。Deepen the construction of the Fujian Youth entrepreneurship mentor library, improve the cultivation of the "mentor system" for the young generation of private economists, and promote the handover and orderly inheritance of the new and old undertakings。A series of special trainings on "Party Building Leads Industrial Development" were innovatively carried out。

37.Deepen the practice of entrepreneurship。Strengthen the publicity and reporting of the advanced deeds of outstanding entrepreneurs, accelerate the construction of a strong province with private economy in the new era, guide the whole society to have an objective, correct and comprehensive understanding of the private economy and private economic personnel, and regularly carry out the commendation of outstanding private entrepreneurs and excellent private enterprises in Fujian Province。Strengthen the tracking and monitoring of public opinion related to the private economy, and severely crack down on blackmail and other acts using negative public opinion as blackmail in accordance with the law。Encourage scientific research institutions and high-end think tanks to strengthen research on Fujian business culture。To study the establishment of "Fujian Private Entrepreneur Day" and explore the establishment of Fujian Business Museum。

Fourth, strengthen organizational leadership and implement safeguard measures

Party organizations at all levels in the province should strengthen leadership, careful organization, careful deployment, in-depth implementation of the "deep learning for excellence, dare to compete for the first, hard work for efficiency" action, scientific planning to promote the development of the private economy new measures, and all-round promotion of the high-quality development of the private economy in the new era。

16. Strengthen overall Party leadership。Adhere to high-level overall planning and coordination, establish a strategic coordination mechanism for the full implementation of the new era of strong private economy provinces, consolidate departmental responsibilities, and implement the Party's leadership into all aspects of the whole process of work。We will carry out comprehensive reform of the environment for the development of the private economy in the new era。Comprehensively strengthen the political and organizational functions of party organizations in private enterprises。Promote the effective coverage of Party organizations and work in chambers of commerce, and support the Federation of Industry and Commerce to play a better role。

(17) Improve the ideological and political construction mechanism for private businessmen。We will deepen education on ideals and beliefs and core socialist values。Improve the docking mechanism between Party organizations of private enterprises and Party organizations of enterprise-related departments, and deepen the "joint action" of Party building strong enterprises。We will expand the coverage of the Party's organization and work in private enterprises, and actively yet prudently do a good job in developing party members among outstanding representatives of the private economy。Actively explore and innovate the working methods of party building in the field of private economy, encourage private enterprises to write party building work into the company's charter, and provide support in terms of personnel, funds, and venues。

(18) Timely summary and evaluation。Integrate the work force of the healthy development of the private economy。Strengthen the supervision and implementation of policies already issued, and carry out special evaluation and review of private economic policies in the evaluation of consistency with macro policy orientation。We will continue to improve the digital monitoring and supervision mechanism for the business environment。We will strengthen statistical monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the private economy。鼓励各地结合实际大胆探索,不断创新和发展“晋江经验”,对行之有效的经验做法要以适当形式予以固化,为丰富发展习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想贡献福建经验。

Source: Fujian Daily

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